a.) In a reprisal of the Tupac-Biggie war of the mid-1990s, the president and the army chief of Guinea-Bissau seem to have offed each other via proxy assassination. As luck would have it, this appears to leave a guy named Carlos Gomes Junior in "a relatively strong position" to assume power. So the Colombian coke smugglers who have chosen to use G-B as a rest stop on their road trip to Amy Winehouse's nostrils apparently may have a guy in power who can speak their language (and hopefully help out if they ever need to reclaim 600 kilos of confiscated product).
b.) People are really overreacting to the news about Martha Stewart's stupid dead dog. For all their fluff and bearish good looks, chows are vicious fuckers.
c.) Chris Daly is pushing new tenants rights laws, landlords are "shocked," The Gav is apprehensive. Also, the Warriors are bad and some media execs are apparently as evil/oblivious as finance execs.
How many hyperlinks could a hyperlink link, if a hyperlink could link hyperlinks?