Aside from winning the prize for Longest Subtitle That's Really Two Sentences in One and In Hindsight Doesn't Make Any Sense, David Lereah gets our vote for Dumbest Pictorial Metaphor on a Book Cover: You see, the home is rising, which not unlike climbing, which represents an increase in the home's worth. Just like it says in the Longest Subtitle! But the family that owns the house is looking as if maybe they'd like to go inside their home now, please, because little Tina has to pee and Norman's missing the Jets game. But if it falls back to the ground, it'll smash into pieces and maybe kill Tina and/or Norman! So either Tina's gonna pee her pants and Norman's gonna miss the game or someone's getting impaled by a splintered 2x4. Then there's the possibility that Lereah meant it the other way -- that the family's missing out on this so-called "boom," likewise represented by the soaring value of the home they didn't buy. It's somewhat unclear, but I'm guessing he meant the latter.
Either way, that shit's gonna break apart when it falls back down to the ground and the family will either be irate or relieved or impaled, and someone should sue Lereah anyway for putting that house up there and for writing such a poorly named and misleading book in the first place.
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