This Statham guy was great as an unknown in Lock, Stock and has made nothing but abysmal casting choices ever since (see: The Transporter Pts. 1-6). People apparently watch his movies, though, which is sobering but by no means surprising. This tagline, however, leads one to suspect that perhaps he's making a leap into self-deprecating irony (a la Ahnold in Last Action Hero), which wouldn't make sense because while he's certainly become typecast, he's still not, you know, all that famous. Which is to say it's too soon to mock the caricature he'd have to think he's become.
All that aside, Amy Smart's gaptooth is tailormade for skeet-skeet target practice fantasies, which is probably why she only gets roles in films 13-year-old boys pay to see.
There, a splooge reference. Happy now?
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