Monday, April 13, 2009

Home Invasion

DCQ headquarters has come under siege. It started back in the fall, when the landlord responded to our complaint of "there's mice" by giving us two 99-cent glue traps that never caught anything. At that point it seemed we were dealing with a lone invader, but then he multiplied into two, then four, then eight, maybe more? We bought snap-traps that didn't work. They made off like bandits with pounds of cheese. Every night, these cretins run amok, gobbling crumbs and shitting on everything. Come in the kitchen after dark and you're sure to see one of the little bastards bolt across the counter, plunge into the burner and escape through the stove. So we got a bunch of poison disguised as delicious mouse food. They ate two boxes of it and came back for thirds. Things looked dire.

Then we befriended Specklebutt.

He set up shop like Chris and Snoop:

Now nobody fucks with us.

1 comment:

  1. Better call in the Dept of Homeland Security.
    Also, Specklebutt is one handsome devil of a cat.
