In its ads, Pepsi tells us that “every generation refreshes the world.” Well, now...come to think of it, that’s absolutely true: The baby boomers refreshed our supply of potential soldiers, the beatniks refreshed American demand for berets, the hippies refreshed our appreciation for the First Amendment, Gen X refreshed the cocaine industry, Gen Y refreshed the flat-top, and the millenials refreshed our definition of “refresh.” Who doesn’t want to be a part of that? I’m in -- toss me a Pepsi, Britney!
The more I study the Obama campaign, the more I begin to side against the man: He clearly nicked original Pepsi catchphrases like “Yes You Can” and “Fo Sho!” (because, after all, black=now acceptable in Kansas!). His campaign logo looks eerily similar to that of Pepsi--a company that, I must remind you, is older than Obama. And the fact that Obama decided to get inaugurated just as Pepsi rolled out its “Change” campaign is too coincidental for comfort. Nope, my mind’s made up -- Obama’s a thief. He’s from Illinois, home of Blagojevich and that other locked-up former governor and R. Kelly and Oprah, who once endorsed a memoir that wasn’t even true. It was fictional, which is Dutch for “sucked.”
So there it is -- the truth in all its exhaustively-investigated, naked glory. Screw off, Obama. Get your own damn ad campaign. And give Enrique his mole back while you’re at it.
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